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Yahoo Mail Display

PostPosted: Mon Oct 04, 2010 6:53 pm
by comsparks
I've noticed that when I go to the Mail section of Yahoo the text in the boxes I.E. Delete are faded to the point of not being able to read them. I have to mouse over them to bring up the pop up window which is dark blue with white text to read it. All other web pages look fine. I'm just curious as to why this is so. I've also changed the color on the Yahoo Mail page but the text is always faded out in those three boxes. Thanks

Re: Yahoo Mail Display

PostPosted: Tue Oct 05, 2010 3:55 pm
by geppettvs
Hi comsparks,
Hola comsparks,

I am not sure which browser are you using but assuming it is the Mozilla Firefox, I have also found several issues with colors, which may be solved by changing the colors in the Appearance of your system. Try a dark theme. Try also changing the fonts and font colors for applications and customizing the browser's skin.

No estoy seguro de cual navegador estas usando pero asumiendo que sea el Mozilla Firefox, he encontrado varios problemas con los colores, los cuales pueden ser resueltos cambiando los colores de la Apariencia de tu sistema. Intenta con un tema obscuro. Prueba tambien cambiando las fuentes y color de fuente para las aplicaciones y personalizando la piel de tu navegador.

Please let us know if you are using Google Chrome, which is having its own problems with customization.
Por favor dejanos saber si estas usando Google Chrome, el cual tiene sus propios problemas de personalizacion.

Greetings. // Saludos!