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Postby swarfendor437 » Sun Jul 20, 2014 4:49 am

Money for me is tight - but if anyone can help on here:

"J, It’s been truly humbling watching people all over the world pitch in to support our efforts.

Please join them now: We’ve got just 12 hours left to reach our fundraising goal so we can move on the essential next step to stop TPP Internet censorship. I need you to chip in now so we can put a well-researched report outlining our vision to save free expression online into the hands of decision-makers and the media.

If we hit our target, we’ll be able to launch a major promotional push to pressure decision makers with our community’s demands; it’s critical decision-makers know they cannot ignore the concerns of the pro-Internet community.

Please, J, can we count on you to stand up for free expression?


Jason Hjalmarson on behalf of your OpenMedia team

PS. In case you missed it, I’ve included the email Steve sent you a couple days ago to give you more info about our work. Thanks to support from people like you J, your team at OpenMedia is pushing back hard against the TPP’s reckless censorship.

----- Original Message -----

From: Steve Anderson

To: J B

Sent: Tuesday, July 15, 2014 12:55 PM

Subject: What Happened in Ottawa

OpenMedia works to give Internet users like you a voice in shaping the rules that govern the Internet. Together, we’re fighting back against the Trans-Pacific Partnership’s repressive censorship, but we need your help to do it. We’ve got 48 hours to make some major campaign decisions: can you chip in with a donation to help us defend your rights online?

Donate now!


One of the reasons OpenMedia exists is to give ordinary Internet users like you a voice in shaping the rules that govern the Internet.

When OpenMedia found out that Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) Internet censorship negotiators were meeting in Canada, our very own Reilly Yeo flew to Ottawa to deliver your comments in a face-to-face meeting with negotiators directly.1 2

But TPP lobbyists aren’t backing down; our next step is to publish our own Free Expression Vision in a report and hand deliver it to TPP decision-makers.

We won’t be able to do this without you. Can you contribute whatever you can afford so we can print and deliver our Free Expression Vision to leaders who can change the outcome of the TPP?

The TPP threatens to change the Internet as we know it forever; it’s critical that the pro-Internet community keeps the pressure on decision-makers if we’re going to succeed.

Your team at OpenMedia is faced with some time-sensitive decisions about the future of our campaign to protect free expression online. In addition to pushing back against what we don’t want, we need to proactively create a positive alternative to the TPP’s reckless censorship.

We’re about to launch a new Free Expression Vision that will outline balanced, positive policies for the future of free expression online. The plan will come out in a formal report that is the outcome of a year long crowdsourcing process; nearly 40,000 Internet users around the world took part in making it!3

In the next two days, it’s critical for us to raise enough money to launch a major effort to advance the report’s recommendations. We need your help to publish, distribute, and promote our plan before negotiators finalize the agreement.

We’ll make sure to notify those who contribute when the report comes out.

Please J, can you make a donation to help us defend your rights online? If everyone who reads this contributes, we’ll be able to fund a major push to stop the TPP.

We’ve seen time and time again how backroom deal-making by telecom lobbyists and big media conglomerates harms the Internet’s ability to further creativity and innovation. But with help from people like you, we’ll be there to stop them.

For the Internet and a connected future,

Steve, Jason & Alexa, on behalf of your OpenMedia team

P.S. If we can raise enough money in the next two days, we’ll be able to unroll a major promotional effort to advance the recommendations of our report. Please, J, even a small donation will go a long way in helping us make sure the views of Internet users don’t get ignored.


[1] OpenMedia Launches New Tool to enable Canadians to go face to face with those behind international Internet Censorship talks set to kick off in Ottawa. Source:

[2] Making Them Listen - Bringing +19,000 Voices to the Secretive TPP Negotiations. Source:

[3] We couldn’t have done this without you. Source: is a non-profit organization that relies on donations from people like you to operate. Our small but dedicated team ensures even the smallest contributions go a long way to make your voice heard. Please donate today.

We are an award-winning network of people and organizations working to safeguard the possibilities of the open Internet. We work toward informed and participatory digital policy. You can follow us on Twitter, and like us on Facebook."

Sorry Admins - was in a rush and realised this has gone past 12 hours deadline - been busy - please delete this thread - sorry once more! (coolest site on the planet ... after this one!) (my other OS) (for Creative Commons Licensed Music - legal and free to download - largest in the world)
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