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PostPosted: Sat Feb 22, 2014 9:38 am
by BBOSAK2143
This may not happen for everything as I have two different results. First off will explain. Pipelight is for those of us as myself that need Silverlight integration within our browsers. So if this is not you, forget this post and move on. Next, as to say time on distro I was building I installed pipelight-multi and wine-browser-installer. For the laptop hardly a hitch and works perfectly. However it is only a year old. The PC which has now progressed to 5 years old, was massive trouble! Even trying to install the OS from the beginning was trouble! So, I suggest if you are building a distro, to just leave that part out due to the inconsistency of it not working 100% of the time!

End result instead of gaining 10 minutes that was greatly needed, I lost about 2 hours!!!! When you install pipelight with already functioning OS(One that has been installed to the hard drive) it takes about maybe 10 minutes total to completely set up pipelight! Only having a little more than a year doing this building under Ubuntu, I am making huge mistakes!!! Least I can document them here and leave for others at the same experience level of what not to do! I do not want someone getting ticked as bad as I did last night during all this!!!! The effects were terrible! Was locked out of any browsing capability since there was a constant influx of wine-flash-installer trying to install 17mbs that just never happened!!! Probably is due to all this signing crap, which should be put to rest with Xavius!

Xavius is out of my misery now and Ravenswoood is completely installed! I hope as needed, there will be links provided with this information as to help everyone out there as I say with my level of experience so time is not wasted! Best wishes to all, back to fun, loads of work and aggravation on my schedule!!!! Not OS related!!!!!