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Linux system log never forgets!!!!

PostPosted: Mon Nov 04, 2013 3:10 pm
by BBOSAK2143
Now if I had a memory like the system log inside linux, I would be like that lady on TV that remembers everything!!!! Now the problem really arises when you are assembling a Distro/Linux OS when you make some major mistake like not satisfying all the dependencies of the dkms. Even when you do finally get that all cleared up that system log will simply never forget you made the mistake! Now how dangerous is this???? Tried it this morning on number 3 OS. I typed in sudo aptitude -f install and you should have seen the long list! Why???? Hey when you're out of sync with the kernel nothing is connected and all needs dependencies! I was thoroughly shocked that it actually carried out the actions???? I sat there watching as every last bit of programs was removed least til lxdm was pulled and was nothing but black screen! To my amazement it totally removed itself from my computer in about 10 minutes flat!!!!

Now, last OS I built I did some Mickey Mouse stuff to the log which did knock out errors I made in the first week of assembly. I however was not able to take care of the rest, since I was not totally sure about what I was doing!(Did it in Gedit, with machine code present!) Information once again on this seems very evasive or vague. As I know I did all the proper repairs possible to that 3rd OS and to my knowledge everything should work right! I see it now as a system log problem, due to having to reverse the ricotz/testing damage! Now, as I do not want to loose what I believe to be a nice OS, I just want to find the proper method to get those previous errors off that elephant's memory!!!! I believe once that is done it will clear things up and should be good to go! Has to be what is knocking out dconf-editor as this is the first time ever building an OS something stupid like that has come up! So if anyone knows, will greatly appreciate some help on that!!!! Now seeing as the entire OS removed itself, proves my point on a previous post. It shows there has to be a better way or more safeguards, something, right???? Open to suggestions. I love the choices in Linux and my goal has always been to improve it! If I had more intelligence and knowledge, I would be on it right now! Taking me time to get to the root of this!

Re: Linux system log never forgets!!!!

PostPosted: Wed Nov 06, 2013 4:06 pm
by BBOSAK2143
Got no answer so I guess there is just no way to clear those logs. So you build and build, stupid errors come up and if you want to get rid of those errors you simply have to start all over again!!!! Not good in my book, maybe if I had cable, but on 3g is a terrible thing!!!! Funny thing about these Linux OS's, you get the file system all nice and tidy, not hassles getting initrd or vmlinuz making but you still can't boot! Honest, I have one like that, no errors no problems everything there and just sits there? Now the others with problems, they boot right up???? So blows me away, maybe you just can not make an error-free Linux OS! I have booted with kernels hanging by a thread! Now I got one everything there run aptitude -f install and it comes up zip same with apt-get -f install? Then you put it on an USB and it jumps then just sits there like a cylon from the old Battlestar Galatica! Tried the flash on laptop and desktop same result! Beats me folks! I guess there is some things in Linux people will just hold it to themselves as their secret, which they will carry to their grave! Personally, I find out you will know too! Is my promise. I do my best to share all I learn as to help! Other post related to dconf, does not work, apparently even developers of Gnome do not know what the command line is to use dconf-editor!

I forget command lines here and there so I blew one and now get to suffer watching it come up when I go to load this system, which blows! Same goes for the dkms problem! Would be awesome to find the command to knock out those errors as this one should be my finest yet!

Re: Linux system log never forgets!!!!

PostPosted: Wed Nov 06, 2013 11:38 pm
by pam
Its more of a fundamental question.

"give a man a fish and you feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime"

Take an example: Lets say you want to make pizza. If you have never been to a market or seen what the ingredients are to make something edible, it will probably always be a blunder. A simple solution would be to take rich red soil(earth) to substitute for a thick tomato paste. Use clay or some elastic synthetic material to make the bread base and so on. What you get in the end is something that looks better than a pizza, you have seen. Is it Eatable?

We all started at the bottom and never looked up, nor set any high standards. So its back to textbooks and theory.

Unix and linux system administration handbook:

The log files in linux: ... log-files/

And then there is google; the effectually proactive robota... ... rQeOxoDABw

Here's something for perspective..:

What do you think it runs on? Windows XP,
Nah, has to be windows 8.1

Re: Linux system log never forgets!!!!

PostPosted: Thu Nov 07, 2013 10:08 am
by BBOSAK2143
Going to get it real soon right after I get the rest of the assembly done. Put it in here moves like a rocket, had to put up with the nags from that experimental part! Why I posted on about not using testing stuff to build! Had this thing mapped out sweet and to put garbage in got me pretty upset! This system is supposed to be better than my second by far! Just bad mistake building with a 2 core laptop, will not make that mistake again! Laptop is something that can handle programs but not something that huge! Got nailed on KDE as said! Planned to just put the 3 desktops in, then move onto KDE after installed. I knew the image would be too huge if KDE were to assemble with all in here, but those are the breaks. Left the residuals, knocked out some docs so have to put a few things back in and will be all here. Is just not an OS that can be run off a flash so well now that is this size! Am heading towards the Unix/Oracle size as probably would have weighed about 5 gigs! Is the problem with Gnome and KDE just really huge desktops and tons of parts, with many little parts not installing! Still, will love to get those errors out as will be doing the Laptop dual boot hard drive soon and tired of seeing that error! Thought tossing the error log would dump it, but was wrong! Least in the mix got my shell theme on the boot along with my favorite theme and my background pics! Compiz was much more cooperative this time!!!!

Am going to love that admin pdf am sure! Getting to think next time I build one will just compile the desktop myself! Last one was not great on compiling, but I think I resolved that this time! If this one can not build something, I quit! Is why I say much more serious than last one! Want to be useful in Linux, so have to have an OS that is useful! Ultimate would be perfect, but then I would not learn as much as I have been! I agree exactly with what you are saying and have to have a book as such so I can read and understand more! Am hoping searches will become more improved this time around also! I know at times I word my searches bad, but other times on the money, but was getting a studder. This one seems to have no studder so we will see how well it goes now! Only thing not showing still is dconf, but I figure is among the pieces that are coming in as I write this! Lot of fun all this! Well, am off really appreciated on that handbook will get real soon and post back.

Re: Linux system log never forgets!!!!

PostPosted: Fri Nov 08, 2013 9:20 am
by BBOSAK2143
Downloaded it last night, the handbook will look at it today in a bit. Put it all together on the drive is quick especially amazing when it comes to switching desktops as I can not believe how quickly it moves. From pushing the button to desktop beats the 2nd OS hands down! Still no dconf-editor for now, but believe is due to some misinformation in update-initramfs which have to look at also some time today! Is putting a damper on not being able to have plymouth running anything but the stock Ubuntu screen. Am dying to have the startrek one on there! Only saw it go one time thus far on 2nd OS and that was when shutting down. Very intriguing work, as the animation was quite nice! Also very very underated!!!! With Unity tweak was able to get my time adjusted the way I like for the Gnome Flashback desktop along with event sounds!

So much to learn!!!! I feel like I just walked another block since last OS I built! Is all well worth it though as to learn all this in school is not possible due to lack of funds and employment! Everyone out here wants chiefs(BA, MA) and I only have the Associate's degree so have to keep pushing! Eventually something will break and will be nice to know more than is required for a position, plus would help for advancement. With that all aside, I do enjoy creating systems and wish I was on cable, because I would create one every week until I get better and better at it! Still, this one has much improvement over its predecessor so am very pleased at that point, but am a bit like TheeMahn in the respect it may be better, but it can still go further!!!! Is why am crazy about TheeMahn, he just keeps getting better!!!! Sure has rubbed off on me, reaching for more! Is exciting as I see he is now working away on 3.7! Always wish him the best and thank him and everyone here for helping me keep pushing on, refusing to let up with learning more!!!!

Re: Linux system log never forgets!!!!

PostPosted: Fri Nov 08, 2013 10:03 am
by pam
I dont mean to be stepping on your toes...
How about getting a linux certification with a job guarantee in your area?
There are no prerequistes. Just the enthusiasm to learn.

To begin with:
RHCE : Red Hat certified engineer. -- Is fairly priced, but is the most competitive and satisfying linux experience--to whet your hands deep in. You can get the modules for your exams also(Ahem..cough..cough)...In the end you become a formal linux engineer. Its probably the most practical and least fake certification around. You apply Everything you learn.

CCNA : Cisco Certified Network Associate. Probably the Cheapest and most useful certification. Its the best for those who have no understand nor strong fundamentals in networking... I'd recommend this for you as its cheap and you can confirm whether you can secure a job. From there on move on to RHCE.

Neither of them(above 2) have any Bulls**t in them. You apply everything you learn.

Also check out whether your broadband has prepaid 3G connection (without billing).
Over here its 1GB for 30 days @ $1.9 ---> Rs: 123.

Im an RHCE(2009 on RHEL 5.0).

Re: Linux system log never forgets!!!!

PostPosted: Fri Nov 08, 2013 12:11 pm
by BBOSAK2143
Going to have to look into RedHat, hope is real cheap close to free as have no cash of my own presently! This 3g of ours is on 10gigs a month, but you know that goes by quick with building an OS! Once again a cash issue! Not proud and willing to do any menial job out there, I mean is where I came from anyway! Been doing that all my life, so I do not mind having to do that stuff at all! Just been an out and out nightmare on the employment situation! Imagine a place advertising for Research Assistant. Now wouldn't you think as the listing said required abilities in MS Word, Excel, etc, would be a job that was computer related???? Turned out, had this crappy call 3-way and was nothing to do with Research besides cleaning up their messes!!! I was more than willing to pick up brooms, supplies and whatever else. Same old noise of will call, which never happens! Plain out, down and out about all this!

I mean, am no wiz at all of this, but believe me, have more knowledge than most of those I graduated with! Of course with a bad credit rating and my age am sunk! So some employer will take someone I graduated with, that is not quite endowed with knowledge and give them the job! Such is life! I never seem to be on the winning side! Never cared on the aspect of being rich, just want to get by! Now that seems to be impossible since my graduation, been nothing but downhill which is quite depressing. Only thing that keeps me pushing is learning. If it was not for knowing how to do all these tasks, I would have nothing! You know even Blackwolf with his heart of gold, endorsed me for so many skills. I was totally honored and appreciate it deeply. I mean anyone in computing should know of people such as yourself, Blackwolf and TheeMahn. You're masters of this stuff, this is what programming and computers is all about! To not even get a call for some of these positions tips me greatly as I feel I have the best endorsement ever!

Enough of that though as is just way way too depressing and this journey of discovery with learning how to build is way more exciting! Fires me up everyday! After some more job applications am going to head back to the image created, have it pulled apart, again! Have to nip that initramfs problem and those error messages! I guess this is what I get for being greedy and trying to get that Gnome 3.10 desktop! Every time with Gnome is a new headache. Of course KDE, no angels neither have some things with them too!!! Am really hoping one day I will see an end to starting off a freshly built OS with error messages!!!! Still as have said before I feel good cause I have moved past errors I made on first and second OS's so is showing improvement! If you have noticed I now longer talk about offering one of my OS's to anyone! Why? I know I lack the knowledge! Am smart enough now to admit I do not know enough about Linux! I was way too cocky on that first OS! Pretty wild thing about that OS, was soon as you opened up Ubuntu Builder, there goes your connection, unless you were on a wired connection! Well back to the fun, is best part of my day to work on this stuff! Is why I always appreciate your help so much have everything saved and use it!!!!

Re: Linux system log never forgets!!!!

PostPosted: Sat Nov 09, 2013 12:56 am
by pam
How about a part time linux job or networking stuff. You dont need to spend 40-50 hours a week working. Help out someone with their router/computer for 3-4 hours a day and get paid. Menial or not you dont need to sell your spine for part time employment. That way you know you are not blowing smoke. You can then further invest at a later time in getting a certification like CCNA and make it couterproductive while keeping your OS building on the side.

And nobody cares about f*****g competition, those days are over.

Also i wouldnt suggest you obsess over ubuntu for building a distro. My point being you dont see Theemahn using Gnome 3.X. I've had absolutely no luck with radeons or geforce using gnome 3.10 and i repeat the extensions are all beta built upon a stable base. It will take another 1.5 years for gnome to be as stable and hard as concrete. Mind you there are also major hardware changes coming up in 2014. Hardware coders are throwing too many tantrums.

So all the focus is on AMD HSA(along with bdver 4 patch for steamroller/excavator), Nvidia Maxwell and Intel Broadwell with linux gaming taking centrestage and coders are figuring out ways to optimize wayland for the same. After all Andrew Tanenbaum did say "linux is obsolete".

If you get unity/mate/rqt/lxde/xfce/kde etc working stable, you cant really ask for more.

This is an entremely tumultuous time for ubuntu. Unsure or not whether Xmir/mir will be implemented in 14.04LTS. With wayland paving the way and systemd replacing init, graphics cards makers have their hands full. Intel has scraped Xmir support for now, in upstream.

Re: Linux system log never forgets!!!!

PostPosted: Sat Nov 09, 2013 9:57 am
by BBOSAK2143
Not proud at all, pam. I mean, I apply for anything and everything!!!! Would gladly take a part time job, anything just to get by! I live in the sticks and is a big problem that way! Would bet within a month if I was elsewhere would have something by now! Not only that have a bad credit rating against me which I believe is stopping employers from hiring me! Was caused by thinking AIU online back in 2003 was a good bet for the same education I just recieved! I signed up for BIT just as I did over here. Instead they decided I wanted BA(Business Administration) when I found out the mistake, I immediately told them. Their response was I had to quit, then join back up in the spring. I went through everything to clear up the loans, but they all insist I owe for full training, when I only went to online schooling for a total of 3 weeks! Although states such as Illinois have now written into law, one can not hold bad credit against someone applying for a job, doubt the same will happen in Hicktown, USA!

So for now unless, I get so good at all this stuff, that someone decides I am worth the risk, am done! R.I.P BBOSAK2143!!!! Yes, am going to venture off of Ubuntu's soon! Gnome, too addicted to that and is one the hardest deals to learn. I feel if they are onto something with them phones, I better be well prepared! These phones are the hot ticket will venture to say as everyone has them! I think are more dominant than the computer. So I must also know all those systems, to be set for working. A year ago, I could not tell you what a single thing does in a Linux system, far as pieces and many programs for that matter! Have come quite far in all this, and in this time of depression, where the world seems to be caving in on me at times, it gives me the sanity I need to keep afloat!

Have not cleared the log issue up yet, am getting to it as other things seem to be above that in importance! Live-tools install can be a real dousy! Apparently, from reading most have suffered this fate of it causing a "diversion" or "clash" with initramfs! Have to "apt-get purge live-tools" update "apt-get install live-tools". Next and the scariest, to get dconf-editor working again!!!! Have to "apt-get purge dconf-tools" scary thing you will then see gdm, gnome, gnome-core being uninstalled with it like Siamese quadruplets! Now I tried to avoid that for days! Of course nothing to be done but what I listed! After that point, you must "apt-get update" or you will not get the correct pieces to fit together and work! Been there a few times in learning all this, so now know this point very well!

Another thing, never and I mean never remove colord to replace it with a newer version, is just a cascade effect that will bring a running system down! Tried that on No2 OS and that is what made it crumble! Now the dconf in an image is not so scary, but on a running OS, believe me I cringed! Least those two issues are cleared and have a few others to take a look at today, along with hopefully getting that log cleared! Is nice now have vbox going to test the image as I did last night after the above 2 repairs! Boxes, is a joke! Since my first OS have not been able to get a legitimate response out of it! I guess Gnome Development is lacking in that area? Anyway am back off to see what I could get done. So far is a decent system minus those few issues! Least now I know what to look for when I assemble next time!!!!

Re: Linux system log never forgets!!!!

PostPosted: Mon Nov 11, 2013 11:23 am
by ryanvade