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Flashdrive Ultimate 3.4 vs Slax7

PostPosted: Sat Nov 10, 2012 2:03 pm
by BBOSAK2143
After a fail UNetbootin attempt with Ultimate 3.5, where settings would not save, I thought I was doomed to use another OS for my portable OS! I read articles on Slax that claimed was real appropriate for what I want to to do! So, the other day while listening to my Professor I promptly downloaded Slax7 on distrowatch after downloading Snowlinux3. Get a charge out of Snow is kind of strange! Anyway is not the focus! I loaded Slax7 on UNetbootin along with leaving 5gigs for the save. All seemed good? Booted into Slax7 was a bit sluggish, then to my dismay had no driver for my usb network card. Lovely carl9170 driver!!! Sure it is a working driver but at times can be a hassle. I promptly booted back to my regular hard drive with 3.5. Within moments I moved those files to the flash drive. Booted back to the flash moved the file in the folder and presto got my wireless going! For how long, you ask? Not even ten minutes later and it had me disconnected! Once again I entered my password. Another 10 minutes went by and same thing! Finally after another so many minutes(all totalled about an hour) there it goes black screen, mumbo jumbo and adios amigos!!!!! Slax7 went to distro heaven! Tried booting back to it several times, with no luck was gone, gone gone! I though, what do I do now? Oops first should mention only change I made to system was putting my beloved Italy pic for wallpaper. At the time of the crash I was downloading a small file for a KDE desktop window change. I figured, when in KDE do KDE! So after this dump many thoughts ran through my head. Since I can't afford to download all kinds of stuff with this Verizon hookup, I knew might have to wait til school!

Then I figured I tried 3.5 and it didn't work but that is a huge and highly compressed system. 3.4 is compressed but not stuffed! So figured what do I have to loose?
Am here to say absolutely nothing!!!! 3.4 is up and running saving and even has all my favorite desktop stuff! Have only seen one crash, caused by carl, and that is it! Now is running like a champ and ready for business. There is hardly a sluggish moment except for boot which is perfectly normal and still beats the timing of Slax7 which doesn't even weigh a quarter of its size!!!! Unsure of how this is all possible, but am not giving any line and can take a look at the pic on my other post! If you will notice you can see the install right between the trash can and home folder! That and the fact of the sheer taskbar in 3.5 are the only two differences between my new portable OS(Ultimate 3.4) and present OS(Ultimate 3.5). So yes am very baffled that a system that is designed for the flashdrive and UNetbootin fails and one as sophisticated and large as 3.4 handles it like a champ! Am here to say, I am the true winner in this scenario! Everyone here knows how much I love Ultimate and now to always have it with me! A total dream come true! Also have to compliment, congratulate UNetbootin developers for the greatest utility anyone that services computers can use!!!! Is a total total blessing!!! Thank you Thank you!!!! Slax no offense, keep trying am sure one day it will work!

Re: Flashdrive Ultimate 3.4 vs Slax7

PostPosted: Sat Nov 10, 2012 11:52 pm
by pam
i use a lightweight lubuntu on my netbook usb disk.

Re: Flashdrive Ultimate 3.4 vs Slax7

PostPosted: Sun Nov 11, 2012 12:05 am
by pch.shot
:becareful Bless you, Pam. You must like to read novels.

Re: Flashdrive Ultimate 3.4 vs Slax7

PostPosted: Wed Dec 05, 2012 9:23 pm
by BBOSAK2143
Had to just add that still after all this time, Ultimate 3.4 remains loaded and running well on my flash! Has all the desktops and only falters and runs slow when its host is running like you know what! Is hilarious to me as it seems Ultimate has a mind of its own, knowing when something is not right with the hard drive it sits next to! Now when it is sitting here next to 3.5 is hard to tell the difference between the two! At school on some computers might take a little more time due to the abuse those things go through! Those that are running fine, no problem will just move along as it does here! Also real funny is as I originally stated. Slax7 went down like a rock looking at a web page! I can't count how many pages have been on with Ultimate! Also the installs of the various desktops to make it comparable to 3.5! All work perfectly minus Cinnamon, which shouldn't be counted anyway! Then there's Java, packetTracer and a few other things! Can't imagine and wouldn't have the heart to take it off of that flash! If I ever need to download a large OS to check on Vbox will just have to buy another one! A few minutes more for a boot up is not a hard price to pay when the end result is a system that is dependable and reliable! Not sure how some other distributions would work on the flash and can't knock them, and just figure this: "Why should I have a system that is close to bare bones when I could have the fully loaded one?" It truly is a great feeling to have what you like with you at your disposal!!!! Will stick with it and always use it when needed!!!!!