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Just installed and all I can say is

PostPosted: Thu May 13, 2010 4:33 pm
by KevinB
WOW.. very nice work I will be donating to the work, best linux I have used..

I do have a question though.. Can I install windows after the install of Ultimate Edition 2.7?

I do photography and there are a couple of programs I need to use from microSatan...


Re: Just installed and all I can say is

PostPosted: Thu May 13, 2010 4:48 pm
by 2hot6ft2
Welcome to the forum KevinB glad you like it.

You can install windows after but it's best to install windows first. You would just need to re-install grub 2 if you install windows last.

Using 2.4/2.5/2.6/2.7 livedvd

Here assuming the Ultimate Edition partition is sda8,and /boot partition is sda6 (if you have a separate /boot partition).

Boot up Ultimate Edition from the liveDVD,open terminal and run:
Code: Select all
sudo -i

To find out you partitions run
Code: Select all
fdisk -l

Use that info for the following
Code: Select all
mount /dev/sda8 /mnt

Code: Select all
mount /dev/sda6 /mnt/boot  #skip this one if you don't have a separate /boot partition

You'll want to install grub to the drive that is first in the boot order in the BIOS
Code: Select all
grub-install --root-directory=/mnt/ /dev/sda

Reboot removing the livecd in the process and once you're back in Ultimate Edition run
Code: Select all
sudo update-grub

That's it

Re: Just installed and all I can say is

PostPosted: Fri May 14, 2010 2:38 am
by KevinB
Well in the mean time I installed Sun's virtualBox nothing to write home about, I have found a couple of raw converting programs, not up lightroom or aperture's quality yet.. Gimp is getting there.. All in All I think I am going to try and ween myself off windows as much as I can. This install of linux is on my laptop and for most of my raw editing I can do on my mac.. But it would be good to be able to use this OS in studio work..

And thanks for the info... great help!!!!


Re: Just installed and all I can say is

PostPosted: Fri May 14, 2010 1:56 pm
by Cell
LightZone is a digital photo editor software application from Light Crafts. Its main purpose is to handle the workflow when handling images in various RAW formats. It's comparable to Adobe Systems's Photoshop Lightroom.

Might be what you need. ;)


I can't tell you how it compares,but keep in mind that for just about every commercial piece of software there will be a open source equivalent.The challenge is for the user is to get used to the indifference's of the two....if any.

Re: Just installed and all I can say is

PostPosted: Sun May 16, 2010 10:38 pm
by KevinB
Well Ultimate Edition is has really opened up this area now that I have had a chance to use it.. UFRaw and digicam are not bad, as you stated just need to adj. to the software. I am really blown away by what you guys are offering!! Everyone should out of good conscience donate to this work... I have not turned on my Imac for 3 days I have been playing with Ultimate Edition...

I see this as what I would have thought the Amiga OS would have been (the most incredible computer made)..

I dig It.... Now I just need to learn some programing...:)


Re: Just installed and all I can say is

PostPosted: Sun May 16, 2010 11:13 pm
by dathem
KevinB wrote:Well Ultimate Edition is has really opened up this area now that I have had a chance to use it.. UFRaw and digicam are not bad, as you stated just need to adj. to the software. I am really blown away by what you guys are offering!! Everyone should out of good conscience donate to this work... I have not turned on my Imac for 3 days I have been playing with Ultimate Edition...

I see this as what I would have thought the Amiga OS would have been (the most incredible computer made)..

I dig It.... Now I just need to learn some programing...:)


Hello KevinB, Glad that you like Ultimate Edition and are having fun with all the software. I assume your Imac is not a model with an Intel processor, otherwise you can dual boot your Imac with both the Mac and Ultimate Edition OS installed and choose between them at start up. If you need help with anything just ask.