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Update Java major must!

PostPosted: Tue Sep 18, 2012 8:55 pm
by BBOSAK2143
Hey what can I say? Am doing my best to learn in College and this semester, learned what I did wrong with updating! I came to the conclusion the major problem why I had a flub and had to reload Ultimate Edition 3.4 was Java was not up to date! Once I updated Java, boom all updates that come along are working perfectly! Only problem I ever get on this system is something can't even blame on it! When I run Virtualbox with my so so favorite OS Windoze!(Yeah right!) with Excel or Access open I get the screen of death the black one. Is funny Windows is that creepy blue one with mumbo jumbo. Linux is the screen that actually explains the problem!!! Anyway am still enjoying the daylights out of 3.4 and all updates that come my way now! Is all thanks to Java. Seems all OS's require current version when updating! There is still no other OS I want to be on out there, besides Ultimate Edition! Am still looking forward to the day when others understand what skill was used to produce the kind of quality of Ultimate Edition! Always best wishes to everyone on this team and hope your days are always great, you deserve it! You made my days great and fun. Is awesome to bootup look at all the stuff I need to and be done within 15 minutes max! There are those days when you have other chores and have to attend to them. Hooray for the system that understands and runs fast! Am so happy the days of using Windoze waiting for those creepy bootup installs are over! Thanks for the choice of deciding when I want the updates instead of slaughtering on the bootup. God knows there's days when we need the internet now and not an hour later!