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Recordmydesktop fun and great utility!

PostPosted: Wed Aug 15, 2012 8:49 am
by BBOSAK2143
Now this recordmydesktop program bundled with Ultimate is one of the most fun and useful utilities around!!! Person who came up with it should get some sort of medal when you think about it! When someone has a problem (with a function of a program) if they think to use this program,can make a video of it send it in for help on the issue!!!! Recently, as I am in College and I had to do a Speech. I chose on Cross-Platform. The topic involved issues between Linux and Windows. I was able to create a great Powerpoint in Win7(virtualbox) which included great examples from this impeccable recordmydesktop program which left people with their mouths open! It was one hell of a sight to see. Of course quite a few other programs included with Ultimate were shown off to show its great prowess! If it weren't for Ultimate, would have been just a mediocre speech!! Another testimony to how great this system handles and how awesome it is to have great programs bundled to help out with tasks!!!!