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Conky Builder

Source code I have written openly published for your viewing pleasure.

Re: Conky script

Postby weaselnet » Mon Jul 09, 2012 8:47 am

Installed Ultimate Edition 3.4 on my Desktop. I really like the conky script nice work. Does anyone know what code could be added to display video card details?
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Re: Conky script

Postby dougal » Mon Jul 09, 2012 2:35 pm

The conky deb works just fine, no errors and no errors with the script for amount of cores too.

Mmm... I can't get images into this post. I have tried my usual upload to Picasa and copying the image URL from there and using 'Img' or 'URL' from the post options is not getting my image into the post. Am I missing something?

Also, in Crunchbang Linux there is a useful menu entry for editing Conky directly. It would be brill if this could be done in Ultimate Edition too. I have never tried but, presume Conky can be edited using something like gedit?


Serious Ultimate Edition user with little talent but, stacks of enthusiasm and willing to help anyone as much as I humbly can...
Main OS: Ultimate Edition 2.6 on all my machines (can't live without Emerald)
On probation OS: 3.5 64-bit
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Re: addition of 1280 x 800 resolution

Postby tanmay.01 » Thu Sep 27, 2012 2:08 am

Conky Builder v1.11

My old laptop resolution was not there in the conky script.
So i tried adding it :
Code: Select all
   echo "Setting Font size to 11 and graph width to 270" ;;

But it looks like this

And there is a bug about cdrom marked with a star.

Then i tried pasting the code of v1.14 from TheeMahn's last post about resolving ppp..
It looks like this (without adding above res code) :
•3rd generation Intel(R) Core(TheeMahn) i5-3210M Processor (2.5 GHz with Turbo Boost up to 3.1 GHz)
• 1GB Radeon(TheeMahn) HD 7750M GDDR5 Graphics [HDMI]
• 6GB 1600DDR3 System Memory (2 Dimm)
• 750GB 7200 rpm Hard Drive
• Intel 2x2 802.11a/b/g/n WLAN + Bluetooth(R)
• Full-size Radiance backlit keyboard.

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Re: Conky script

Postby TheeMahn » Fri Dec 07, 2012 7:18 pm

Do not think I have quit ;) Perfection is coming:
theemahn@JackHammer:~$ ./
Ultimate Edition Conky builder version 1.17
Please report errors / issues to TheeMahn <[email protected]>
Codebase detected: precise
Release debugging info:
Ultimate Edition 3.5.1 LTS
Kubuntu base: detected - odd number release
Distro detected: Ultimate_Edition 3.5.1
Detected current resolution: 1920x1200
Setting Font size to 14 and graph width to 480
Detected Processor: AMD FX(TheeMahn)-8150 Eight-Core Processor resonating at 4515.425 Mhz
64 Bit O/S detected.
8 Cpu core(s) Detected.
Update interval: 1
MemTotal: 16434464 kB
Network interfaces detected
Scanning for active
Interface eth0: up
Active Network: eth0
Interface lo: unknown
Active Monitoring Connection: eth0
Scanning for sensors.
CPU 122.0°F
GPU 136.4°F
/dev/sda1 UE35 86°F
/dev/sdb1 Root 86°F
/dev/sdc1 3TB_Backup 86°F
/dev/sdd1 Winderz 80°F
/dev/sdd2 Storage 80°F
/dev/sde Speed 78°F
/dev/sdf1 1TBUSB3 N/A°F
/dev/sdh1 Ultimate Edition N/A°F
/dev/sdi1 AE6D-56E7 N/A°F
/media/NAS NAS N/A°F
/media/NAS1 NAS1 N/A°F


Debugging has droped in my lap, lets say fanspeed undetected:

Garbled information we will not have.
# 1.17 Adjusted output of information to comply with screen width.
# Detection of USB drives
# Detection of NAS drives
# Added 1280 X 800 resolution; thanks, tanmay.01
# Adjusted Temp detection routines let's not waste space Dual monitors now
# display @0 pixels
# Took debugging into my own hands on temps.
Those 4 pieces of information are a trying factor. A case statement to solve all? I think rolling through if loops is the answer.

CPUTEMP=122.0°F Lets drop in a new factor. Nasty cooler.

Damn slob ;) In the above the pic 2 drives vertically are NAS drives the Horizontal is not in the system. Put the beer there to judge the size and nastiness in cooling. I believe #2 CPU "Airbased" cooling system of last year, what do they have today? Intoduction of resonation, damn not in my changelog.

Lets drop some code:
Code: Select all
# title
# description      :Builds a conky skeleton based on hardware detected.
# author      :Glenn Cady <[email protected]>
# date         :12/07/2012
# version      :1.17
# usage         :./
# notes         :See change-log below for further information.       
# bash_version   :4.2.8(1)-release
# ============================================================================
# Change-log:

# 1.0   initial public release

# 1.1   internal release

# 1.2   internal release

# 1.3   internal release

# 1.4   Added distribution detection, added resolution detection to set fonts and sizes.

# 1.05   Added version compliance for deb based releases
#   Added better networking detection / wireless support.
#   Added memory output to compare against pae based kernels.
#   Added 800 X 600 support, how did I miss this resolution?
#   Added initial support for Ultimate Player (dynamically)
#   Added support for all network interface detection / Active.
#   Never have I seen this implementation.  I try to think outside of
#   the box please report issues.
#   Added support for Ultimate Edition 2.6.4 and 3.1 detection
#   Added dynamic Wireless support.
#   Added CPU Temp / Fan speeds also dynamic.

# 1.06   Added Radio tray to the mix
#   Initiated the anti-cron job mode of thinking, execi can be executed
#   w/o the need for a cron job.  Let's base this on the end users CPU.
#   Added no Internet means do not propagate - includes wireless.
#   The same across the board when I am done and hopefully will not
#   require a cron job.

# 1.07   Initiated real-time information, across issues I have set forth.
#   Set CPU Temp to display info real-time based on end users processor. A
#   single core CPU will not be updated as fast as a quad for example
#   please see timeslices in my code.
#   Set fan speed accordingly as above.

# 1.08   Split the conky builder for Ultimate Player info
#   May integrate the info as a function later.
#   Added progress bar for current playing track.
#   All info for Ultimate Player is now real-time.

# 1.09   First initial deb based release

# 1.10   Internal release for Ultimate Edition 3.01
#   Fixed improper spacing when closing Ultimate Player.

# 1.11   Fixed improper CPU detection on some Intel based processors.
#   Began writing weather location / detection via users IP address."
#   the above will be a fairly difficult procedure... A query to a API driven
#   Geo-positioning map to obtain location based on zip code, once obtained
#   a query to another API   driven site  Will require no user
#   interaction.

# 1.12   Added support for 12.04 precise (Ultimate Edition 3.4 & 3.5) based releases.

# 1.13   Corrected colors to be only 1 color for now, easier reading on most wallpapers.
#   Will eventually write it to detect theme and set colors appropriately.

# 1.14   Added GPU and Main-board temp detection routines.
#   Added initial dual monitor detection / setup routine.
#   Added ppp0 network detection to the mix, thanks Seedo Eldho Paul
#   Added Hard-disk temperature detection, this was a rough one to sift
#   though and match with the drives.

# 1.15   Internal release to Ultimate Edition 3.5
#   Fixed Garbling of GPU / CPU Temp
#   Adjusted Colors to coincide with Ultimate Edition 3.5 Theme
#   Removed Lua usage. Thanks Mr. Breeg and Goliath for testing

# 1.16   Set colors in CLI so errors etc. Stand out.
#   Added additional distribution detection routines (debugging currently)
#   No sense in having to re-write conky builder every-time I build a new OS.
#   Display album art if Ultimate Player is Jamming.
#   Major code clean up, I am a slob ;)
#   Updated distribution logo
#   Mass updates to resolution detection routine. Simple once again becomes
#   complex thanks to addition of the artwork.

# 1.17   Adjusted output of information to comply with screen width.
#   Detection of USB drives
#   Detection of NAS drives
#   Added 1280 X 800 resolution; thanks, tanmay.01
#   Adjusted Temp detection routines let's not waste space Dual monitors now
#   display @0 pixels
#   Took debugging into my own hands on temps.

# =============== End Change-log ===================== #
# Set Base, hi-light & header color. Feel free to adjust colors in hex and font
# to your liking.
# Please Note: Graphwidth and fontsize are based on detected screen resolution.

BASE='${color #ffffff}${font Liberation:style=normal:pixelsize='$FONTSIZE'}'
HILIGHT='${color #ffffff}${font Liberation:style=normal:pixelsize='$FONTSIZE'}'
HEADER='${color #ffffff}${font Liberation:style=Bold:pixelsize='$FONTSIZE'}'
BAR='${color #ffffff}'

############### You Should not have to edit anything below #############

#Set hard-coded variables

declare -i Dual

# Set ASCII Esc sequences so terminal colors stand out
txtblk='\e[0;30m'   # Black - Regular
txtred='\e[0;31m'   # Red
txtgrn='\e[0;32m'   # Green
txtylw='\e[0;33m'   # Yellow
txtblu='\e[0;34m'   # Blue
txtpur='\e[0;35m'   # Purple
txtcyn='\e[0;36m'   # Cyan
txtwht='\e[0;37m'   # White
bldblk='\e[1;30m'   # Black - Bold
bldred='\e[1;31m'   # Red
bldgrn='\e[1;32m'   # Green
bldylw='\e[1;33m'   # Yellow
bldblu='\e[1;34m'   # Blue
bldpur='\e[1;35m'   # Purple
bldcyn='\e[1;36m'   # Cyan
bldwht='\e[1;37m'   # White
unkblk='\e[4;30m'   # Black - Underline
undred='\e[4;31m'   # Red
undgrn='\e[4;32m'   # Green
undylw='\e[4;33m'   # Yellow
undblu='\e[4;34m'   # Blue
undpur='\e[4;35m'   # Purple
undcyn='\e[4;36m'   # Cyan
undwht='\e[4;37m'   # White
bakblk='\e[40m'      # Black - Background
bakred='\e[41m'      # Red
badgrn='\e[42m'      # Green
bakylw='\e[43m'      # Yellow
bakblu='\e[44m'      # Blue
bakpur='\e[45m'      # Purple
bakcyn='\e[46m'      # Cyan
bakwht='\e[47m'      # White
txtrst='\e[0m'      # Text Reset

# drop headers
echo -e "${bldwht}Ultimate Edition Conky builder version "$VERSION
echo "Please report errors / issues to TheeMahn <[email protected]>"
echo -e "=========================================================================${txtwht}"

# Set default Operating System in case of failure
OS='Ultimate Edition'

#Detect codebase / Distro
OS=$(lsb_release -i | sed -n 's/^Distributor ID:[ \t]*\(.*\)/\1/p')
DISTREL=$(lsb_release -r | sed -n 's/^Release:[ \t]*\(.*\)/\1/p')
DISTDESC=$(lsb_release -d | sed -n 's/^Description:[ \t]*\(.*\)/\1/p')
CODEBASE=`cat /etc/lsb-release | grep 'DISTRIB_CODENAME=' | sed 's/DISTRIB_CODENAME=//g'`

echo "Codebase detected: "$CODEBASE

echo -e "${undgrn}Release debugging info:${txtrst}${bldred}"
echo $OS
echo -e "${bldgrn}=======================${txtrst}"
# detect if release is odd or even.
EVENODD=`dpkg -l | grep kubuntu-desktop`

   if [[ $EVENODD != "" ]]; then
  echo "Kubuntu base: detected - odd number release"
  echo "Kubuntu base not detected - even number release"

echo -n "Distro detected: "
echo $DISTRO
#case "$CODEBASE" in
#   if [[ $EVENODD != "" ]]; then
#  OS=$OS" 3.5"
#   else
#  OS=$OS" 3.4"
#   fi
#   echo $OS ;;
#   if [[ $EVENODD != "" ]]; then
#  OS=$OS" 3.3"
#   else
#  OS=$OS" 3.2"
#   fi
#   echo $OS ;;
#   if [[ $EVENODD != "" ]]; then
#  OS=$OS" 3.1"
#   else
#  OS=$OS" 3.01"
#   fi
#   echo $OS ;;
#   if [[ $EVENODD != "" ]]; then
#  OS=$OS" 2.9"
#   else
#  OS=$OS" 2.8"
#   fi
#   echo $OS ;;
#   if [[ $EVENODD != "" ]]; then
#  OS=$OS" 2.7"
#   else
#  OS=$OS" 2.6.6"
#   fi
#   echo $OS ;;
#*)  echo "Unknown O/S using $CODEBASE"

# Attempt to advance the script.  No sense having the user edit this script if we can obtain the information.

res=`xrandr -q | grep 'current' | cut -d"," -f2 | sed 's/current//g' | sed 's/ //g'`

# set default in case user has an unknown resolution. Better too small then too
# large
GRAPHWIDTH=320 #size of box in pixels
FONTSIZE=8 #default fontsize

echo "Detected current resolution:" $res

case "$res" in
# Tested known good
   echo "Dual monitors detected. Taking full advantage of extra screen resources."
   echo "Setting Font size to 16 and graph width to 640" ;;
   echo "Dual monitors detected. Taking advantage of extra screen resources."
   echo "Setting Font size to 16 and graph width to 640" ;;
# tested; known Good.
   echo "Setting Font size to 14 and graph width to 480" ;;
   echo "Setting Font size to 14 and graph width to 480" ;;
   echo "Setting Font size to 14 and graph width to 480" ;;
   echo "Setting Font size to 12 and graph width to 310" ;;
   echo "Setting Font size to 12 and graph width to 280" ;;
   echo "Setting Font size to 13 and graph width to 310" ;;
   echo "Setting Font size to 12 and graph width to 300" ;;
   echo "Setting Font size to 11 and graph width to 300" ;;
   echo "Setting Font size to 9 and graph width to 240" ;;
   echo "Setting Font size to 9 and graph width to 240" ;;
   echo "Setting Font size to 8 and graph width to 220" ;;
   echo "Setting Font size to 8 and graph width to 220" ;;
   echo "Setting Font size to 6 and graph width to 180" ;;
   echo "Setting Font size to 6 and graph width to 180" ;;
   echo "Resolution unprogramed defaulting, please report detected resolution above to <[email protected]>" ;;

#set Base, hilight color & header please adjust colors in hex and font to your liking
BASE='${color #ffffff}${font Liberation:style=normal:pixelsize='$FONTSIZE'}'
HILIGHT='${color #ffffff}${font Liberation:style=normal:pixelsize='$FONTSIZE'}'
HEADER='${color #ffffff}${font Liberation:style=Bold:pixelsize='$FONTSIZE'}'
BAR='${color #ffffff}'

############### You Should not have to edit anything below #############

#Calculate v offset based on Fonts / pixelsize
BPER=`expr $BPER - 10`

#Get CPU model
RESONATION=`cat /proc/cpuinfo | grep 'cpu MHz' | sed -e 's/.*: //' | uniq`
PROC=`cat /proc/cpuinfo | grep 'model name' | sed -e 's/.*: //' | uniq`
echo "Detected Processor:" $PROC "resonating at $RESONATION Mhz"

#check Architecture set 32 bit default

# Check for x86_64 (Test 1) - some O/S's use the -i switch
if [ "`uname -i|grep x86_64`" == "x86_64" ]; then

# Check for x86_64 (Test 2) - some OSs (ie. Gentoo) return Processor manufacturer
#rather than architecture with "uname -i"
if [ "`uname -a|grep x86_64`" != "" ]; then

echo $ARCHITECTURE 'O/S detected.'

#Count number of processor cores
CORES=`cat /proc/cpuinfo | grep "processor" | sed '/model/d' | wc -l`
#Lets's not choke the end users cpu if they have limited resources.
echo $CORES "Cpu core(s) Detected."
echo 'Update interval: '$TIMESLICES
cat /proc/meminfo | grep 'MemTotal'
#Advance network detection to perfection scan all interfaces:
ls /sys/class/net/ > /tmp/ifaces.txt
if test -f /tmp/ifaces.txt
echo -e "${undgrn}Network interfaces detected${txtrst}"
cat /tmp/ifaces.txt
echo -e "${undgrn}Scanning for active${txtrst}"
cat /tmp/ifaces.txt | while read FILE
  target=$(echo "$FILE" | sed -e "s/ /_/")
  echo -n "Interface $FILE: "
  ACT=$(cat /sys/class/net/$FILE/operstate)
  echo $ACT
  if [[ $ACT == 'up' ]]; then
   echo $FILE > /tmp/tmpo.txt
   echo -e "${undgrn}Active Network${txtrst}: "$ACTIVE
#Current Seedo work...  If the folder exists most likely it is the
#active connection set it as such.  Point to Point Protocol evidently
#does not do states. up / down etc.
if [[ -d "/sys/class/net/ppp0/" && $ACTIVE == "" ]]; then
echo 'No Active network.'
if test -f /tmp/tmpo.txt
ACTIVE=$(cat /tmp/tmpo.txt)
ACTIVE='No Inet'
echo -en "${undgrn}Active Monitoring Connection${txtrst}: "
echo $ACTIVE
if test -f /tmp/tmpo.txt
WIRELESS=$(cat /tmp/tmpo.txt|grep 'wlan')
if [[ $WIRELESS != '' ]]

#Clean up.
if test -f /tmp/ifaces.txt
rm /tmp/ifaces.txt
if test -f /tmp/tmpo.txt
rm /tmp/tmpo.txt
#Detect "Active" network and propigate Network Xfer bar
#ACTIVE=`ifconfig | grep -B 1 inet | head -1 | awk '{print $1}'`
#wlan=$(cat /sys/class/net/wlan0/operstate)
#enet=$(cat /sys/class/net/eth0/operstate)

#if [[ $enet == 'up' ]]; then

#if [[ $wlan == 'up' ]]; then

#Dual monitors?
if [[ $Dual == 0 ]]; then

#Create conky skelaton
echo '#Use XFT?
use_xft yes
xftfont Liberation:style=normal:pixelsize='$FONTSIZE'
xftalpha 0.8
text_buffer_size 2048

# Update interval in seconds
update_interval 1

# This is the number of times Conky will update before quitting.
# Set to zero to run forever.
total_run_times 0

# Create own window instead of using desktop (required in nautilus)
own_window yes
own_window_transparent yes
own_window_type override
#own_window_hints undecorated,below,sticky,skip_taskbar,skip_pager

# Use double buffering (reduces flicker, may not work for everyone)
double_buffer yes

# Minimum size of text area -adjust if you would like to user smaller fonts etc.
minimum_size '$GRAPHWIDTH' 0
maximum_width '$GRAPHWIDTH'
max_specials 1024
max_user_text 16384
default_bar_size '$BPER' 5

# Draw shades?
draw_shades no
default_color ffffff #000000
# Draw outlines?
draw_outline no

# Draw borders around text
draw_borders no

# Stippled borders?
stippled_borders 0

# border width
border_width 1

# Text alignment, other possible values are commented
#alignment top_left
alignment top_right
#alignment bottom_left
#alignment bottom_right

# Gap between borders of screen and text
# same thing as passing -x at command line
gap_x '$GAPX'
gap_y '$GAPY'

#Default weather to fahrenheit, please change the below if you prefer celcius.
temperature_unit fahrenheit

# -- Lua Load -- #
#lua_load ~/.draw_bg.lua
#lua_draw_hook_pre draw_bg

# -- Album art fix -- #
imlib_cache_size 0
' > ~/.conkyrc

echo 'TEXT
${goto '$INDENT'}${image /usr/share/ultimate_edition/logo.png -p '$BARZ','$LOGO' -s 32x32}'$HEADER'SYSTEM ${hr 2 }
'$HILIGHT'${alignr}'$OS' - ${alignr}$kernel '$ARCHITECTURE'
${goto '$INDENT'}${voffset '$TICON'}${font StyleBats:pixelsize='$FONTSIZE'}k${font}${voffset -'$ALEFT'}${goto '$VOFF'}${font}Processes: ${alignr}'$HILIGHT'$processes ($running_processes running)
${goto '$INDENT'}${voffset '$TICON'}${font StyleBats:pixelsize='$FONTSIZE'}q${font}${voffset -'$ALEFT'}${goto '$VOFF'}${font}Uptime: '$HILIGHT'${alignr}${uptime}' >> ~/.conkyrc
echo '${if_running ultimate-player}'$HEADER'ULTIMATE PLAYER ${hr 2 }${image ~/.config/Ultimate-Player/ -p '$AARTX','$AARTY' -s '$AHW'x'$AHW'}' >> ~/.conkyrc
#echo '${voffset 2}${font Poky:pixelsize='$FONTSIZE'}k${font}${goto '$VOFF'}${voffset -'$ALEFT'}${font}Art: '$HILIGHT'${image ~/.config/Ultimate-Player/ -p '$AARTX','$AARTY' -s '$AHW'x'$AHW'}' >> ~/.conkyrc
echo '${voffset 2}${font Poky:pixelsize='$FONTSIZE'}k${font}${goto '$VOFF'}${voffset -'$ALEFT'}${font}Artist: '$HILIGHT'${execi '$TIMESLICES' .config/Ultimate-Player/ artist}' >> ~/.conkyrc
echo '${font}${voffset 2}${font Poky:pixelsize='$FONTSIZE'}k${font}${goto '$VOFF'}${voffset -'$ALEFT'}${font}Title: '$HILIGHT'${execi '$TIMESLICES' .config/Ultimate-Player/ title}' >> ~/.conkyrc
echo '${font}${voffset 2}${font Poky:pixelsize='$FONTSIZE'}k${font}${goto '$VOFF'}${voffset -'$ALEFT'}${font}Album: '$HILIGHT'${execi '$TIMESLICES' .config/Ultimate-Player/ album}' >> ~/.conkyrc
#echo '${if_running ultimate-player}'
echo '${execibar '$TIMESLICES' .config/Ultimate-Player/ progress}${else}${endif}' >> ~/.conkyrc
#echo '${if_running ultimate-player}${goto 7}${execi$ '$TIMESLICES' .config/Ultimate-Player/ art}

#echo -n '${image ${execi '$TIMESLICES' .config/Ultimate-Player/ art} -p '$AARTX','$AARTY' -s '$AHW'x'$AHW}'${else}${endif}' >> ~/.conkyrc
JCHK=`qdbus | grep 'net.sourceforge.radiotray'`
if [[ $JCHK != '' ]]
RPLAYER=`qdbus net.sourceforge.radiotray /net/sourceforge/radiotray getCurrentMetaData`
STATION=`qdbus net.sourceforge.radiotray /net/sourceforge/radiotray net.sourceforge.radiotray.getCurrentRadio`
if [[ $RPLAYER == '' || $STATION == '' ]]; then
echo '${if_running radiotray}'$HEADER'RADIO TRAY ${hr 2 }' >> ~/.conkyrc
echo '${voffset 2}${font Poky:pixelsize='$FONTSIZE'}k${goto '$VOFF'}${voffset -'$ALEFT'}${font}Playing: '$HILIGHT '${execi '$TIMESLICES' .config/Ultimate-Player/ rplay}' >> ~/.conkyrc
echo '${font StyleBats:pixelsize='$FONTSIZE'}q${font}${voffset -'$ALEFT'}${goto '$VOFF'}${voffset -'$ALEFT'}${font}Station: '$HILIGHT '${execi '$TIMESLICES' .config/Ultimate-Player/ rstation}${else}${voffset -23}${endif}' >> ~/.conkyrc
echo 'Radio Tray Running: Yes'
echo 'Artist - Song: '$RPLAYER
echo '${if_running radiotray}'$HEADER'RADIO TRAY ${hr 2 }' >> ~/.conkyrc
echo '${voffset 2}${font Poky:pixelsize='$FONTSIZE'}k${goto '$VOFF'}${voffset -'$ALEFT'}${font}Playing: '$HILIGHT '${execi '$TIMESLICES' .config/Ultimate-Player/ rplay}' >> ~/.conkyrc
echo '${font StyleBats:pixelsize='$FONTSIZE'}q${voffset -'$ALEFT'}${goto '$VOFF'}${voffset -'$ALEFT'}${font}Station: '$HILIGHT '${execi '$TIMESLICES' .config/Ultimate-Player/ rstation}${else}${voffset -23}${endif}' >> ~/.conkyrc

#Core(s) info
echo $HEADER'CPU${hr 1 }${font}
${goto '$INDENT'}${voffset '$TICON'}${font Stylebats:pixelsize='$FONTSIZE'}A${font}${voffset -'$ALEFT'}${goto '$VOFF'}${font}${goto '$VOFF'}'$PROC'
${goto '$INDENT'}${font StyleBats:pixelsize='$FONTSIZE'}A${voffset -'$ALEFT'}${goto '$VOFF'}${font}CPU Usage: '$HILIGHT' ${freq}MHz X '$CORES'${alignr}${cpu cpu0}% '$BAR' ${cpubar cpu0 '$INDENT','$SBAR'}' >> ~/.conkyrc
# Hit sensors to see if temperature(s) are reported.
echo -e "${bldgrn}Scanning for sensors.${txtrst}"
echo -e "${undgrn}OBJECT\t\t\t\t\tSENSOR${txtrst}"

CPUTEMP=$(sensors -f|grep "CPU Temperature"|cut -d: -f2|sed "s/ //g"|sed "s/+//g" | cut -d"(" -f1)
GPUTEMP=$(sensors -f|grep -m 1 "temp1" | cut -d: -f2| sed "s/ //g" | sed "s/+//g" | cut -d"(" -f1)
MBTEMP=$(sensors -f|grep -m 1 "MB Temp" | cut -d: -f2| sed "s/ //g" | sed "s/+//g" | cut -d"(" -f1)
FANSPEED=$(sensors -f|grep "CPU Fan Speed"|cut -d: -f2|sed "s/ //g"|sed "s/+//g" | cut -d"(" -f1)
#CPUTEMP="" #set for debugging purposes - we pray this is detected the below code will fail
if [[ $CPUTEMP != '' ]]
echo -n '${goto '$INDENT'}${font StyleBats:pixelsize='$FONTSIZE'}A${voffset -'$ALEFT'}${goto '$VOFF'}${font}CPU Temp: '$HILIGHT >> ~/.conkyrc
echo -n '${execi '$TIMESLICES' sensors -f|grep "CPU Temperature"|cut -d: -f2|sed "s/ //g"|sed "s/+//g" | cut -d"(" -f1}${alignr}' >> ~/.conkyrc
#echo -n '${goto '$INDENT'}${font StyleBats:pixelsize='$FONTSIZE'}A${voffset -'$ALEFT'}${goto '$VOFF'}${font}CPU Fan Speed: '$HILIGHT >> ~/.conkyrc
#echo '${execi '$TIMESLICES' sensors -f |grep "CPU Fan Speed" |awk '{print $4}'RPM' >> ~/.conkyrc
#echo '${execi '$TIMESLICES' sensors -f |grep "CPU Fan Speed" |awk "'"{print '$4'}"'"RPM' >> ~/.conkyrc
echo -e "CPU\t\t\t\t\t$CPUTEMP"
#echo 'CPU Temp sensor detected at: '$CPUTEMP
echo -e "${bldred}CPU\t\t\t\t\tNOT DETECTED${txtrst}"
#FANSPEED="" #set for debugging purposes
if [[ $FANSPEED != '' ]]; then
echo -e "FANSPEED\t\t\t\t$FANSPEED"
echo -n '${font}${alignr}Fan Speed: '$HILIGHT >> ~/.conkyrc
echo '${execi '$TIMESLICES' sensors -f|grep "CPU Fan Speed"|cut -d: -f2|sed "s/ //g"|sed "s/+//g" | cut -d"(" -f1}' >> ~/.conkyrc
echo -n '${goto '$INDENT'}${font StyleBats:pixelsize='$FONTSIZE'}A${voffset -'$ALEFT'}${goto '$VOFF'}${font}CPU Temp: '$HILIGHT >> ~/.conkyrc
echo -n '${execi '$TIMESLICES' sensors -f|grep "CPU Temperature"|cut -d: -f2|sed "s/ //g"|sed "s/+//g" | cut -d"(" -f1}${alignr}' >> ~/.conkyrc
echo -e "${bldred}FANSPEED\t\t\t\t NOT DETECTED${txtrst}"
#GPUTEMP="" #set for debugging purposes
if [[ $GPUTEMP != '' ]]
if [[ $TDETECTED != "3" ]]; then
echo -n '${font}GPU Temp: '$HILIGHT >> ~/.conkyrc
echo '${execi '$TIMESLICES' sensors -f | grep -m 1 "temp1" | cut -d: -f2| sed "s/ //g" | sed "s/+//g" | cut -d"(" -f1}' >> ~/.conkyrc
echo -e "GPU\t\t\t\t\t$GPUTEMP"
echo -n '${goto '$INDENT'}${font StyleBats:pixelsize='$FONTSIZE'}A${voffset -'$ALEFT'}${goto '$VOFF'}${font}GPU Temp: '$HILIGHT >> ~/.conkyrc
echo '${execi '$TIMESLICES' sensors -f | grep -m 1 "temp1" | cut -d: -f2| sed "s/ //g" | sed "s/+//g" | cut -d"(" -f1}' >> ~/.conkyrc
echo -e "GPU\t\t\t\t\t$GPUTEMP"

echo -e "${bldred}GPU\t\t\t\t\tSENSOR NOT DETECTED${txtrst}"

#Main-board Temp?
if [[ $MBTEMP != '' ]]
if [[ $TDETECTED != "4" ]]; then
echo -n '${font}${alignr}MB Temp: '$HILIGHT >> ~/.conkyrc
echo '${execi '$TIMESLICES' sensors -f|grep -m 1 "MB Temp" | cut -d: -f2| sed "s/ //g" | sed "s/+//g" | cut -d"(" -f1}' >> ~/.conkyrc
echo -e "MAIN-BOARD\t\t\t\t$MBTEMP"
echo '${execi '$TIMESLICES' sensors -f|grep -m 1 "MB Temp" | cut -d: -f2| sed "s/ //g" | sed "s/+//g" | cut -d"(" -f1}' >> ~/.conkyrc
echo -e "MAIN-BOARD\t\t\t\t$MBTEMP"

echo -e "${bldred}MAIN-BOARD\t\t\t\tSENSOR NOT DETECTED${txtrst}"

#Create a cpubar for each core
while [  $COUNTER != $CORES ]; do
  echo '${goto '$INDENT'}${voffset '$TICON'}${font StyleBats:pixelsize='$FONTSIZE'}A${font}${voffset -'$ALEFT'}${goto '$VOFF'}${font}Core '$COUNTER':' $HILIGHT'${cpu cpu'$COUNTER'}% '$BAR'${alignr}${cpubar cpu'$COUNTER' '$INDENT','$BPER'}${font}' >> ~/.conkyrc

#Output disk I/O bar top processes memory useage etc.
echo $HILIGHT'${goto '$INDENT'}${voffset '$TICON'}${font Stylebats:pixelsize='$FONTSIZE'}g${font}${voffset -'$ALEFT'}${goto '$VOFF'}'$HEADER'${goto '$VOFF'}RAM${hr 1 }'$BASE'
'$BASE'${voffset 2}${font VariShapes Solid:pixelsize='$FONTSIZE'}N'$BASE'Useage: '$HILIGHT'$mem / $memmax ${alignr}'$HILIGHT'$memperc% '$BAR'${membar '$INDENT','$SBAR'}'$BASE'
'$BASE'${goto '$INDENT'}${voffset '$TICON'}${font Stylebats:pixelsize='$FONTSIZE'}j${font}${voffset -'$ALEFT'}${goto '$VOFF'}'$BASE'Swap: '$HILIGHT'$swap/$swapmax${alignr}$swapperc% '$BAR'${swapbar '$INDENT','$SBAR'}
'$BASE'${goto '$INDENT'}${voffset '$TICON'}${font Poky:pixelsize='$FONTSIZE'}a${font}${voffset -'$ALEFT'}${goto '$VOFF'}'$BASE'${goto '$VOFF'}Highest: ${alignr}CPU     RAM
${goto '$VOFF'}${voffset -5.5}${hr 1}
'$HILIGHT'${voffset -1}${goto '$VOFF'}${top name 1}${alignr}${top cpu 1}  ${top mem 1}
${goto '$VOFF'}${top name 2}${alignr}${top cpu 2}  ${top mem 2}
${goto '$VOFF'}${top name 3}${alignr}${top cpu 3}  ${top mem 3}
${goto '$VOFF'}${top name 4}${alignr}${top cpu 4}  ${top mem 4}
'$HILIGHT'${goto '$INDENT'}${voffset '$TICON'}${font Poky:pixelsize='$FONTSIZE'}H${font}${voffset -'$ALEFT'}${goto '$VOFF'}'$HEADER'${goto '$VOFF'}FILESYSTEM${hr 1 }'$BASE'
'$BASE'${goto '$INDENT'}${voffset '$TICON'}${font Poky:pixelsize='$FONTSIZE'}Y${font}${voffset -'$ALEFT'}${goto '$VOFF'}'$BASE'Disk I/O: '$HILIGHT'${diskio}${alignr}'$BAR'${diskiograph 20,'$BARZ'}
'>> ~/.conkyrc

#Detect hard disks & create a bar for each mount point provide info to end user
#Step one mount points
echo -en "${undgrn}"
printf '%-15s %-24s %s\n' \

echo -en "${txtrst}"
awk '/dev\/sd/ {print $1}' /etc/mtab | sort | while read line ; do
MOUNTPOINT=$(df $line | awk '{print $6}' | sed '1d')
STRIPPED=$(echo $MOUNTPOINT | sed 's/\/media\///g')
if [ $STRIPPED = "/" ]; then

#echo "Hard Drive / USB / Partition: $line set as $STRIPPED. Will set temp readings if acculabel."
HDDTMP=$(echo $line | sed 's/[0-9]*//g')
HDTEMP=$(hddtemp $line --unit=f --numeric)
SMART=$(echo $HDTEMP | grep -v "S.M.A.R.T. not available")
SENSOR=$(echo $HDTEMP | grep -v "have a temperature sensor")
if [[ $SMART != "" &&  $SENSOR != "" ]]; then
printf '%-15s %-24s %s\n' \
   "$line" "$STRIPPED" "$HDTEMP°F"
echo $BASE'${goto '$INDENT'}${voffset '$TICON'}${font Poky:pixelsize='$FONTSIZE'}H${font}${voffset -'$ALEFT'}${goto '$VOFF'}'$BASE$STRIPPED' ('$line'): '$HILIGHT'${fs_free '$MOUNTPOINT'} / ${fs_size '$MOUNTPOINT'}${alignr}${hddtemp '$HDDTMP'}°F | ${fs_used_perc '$MOUNTPOINT'}% '$BAR'${fs_bar '$INDENT','$SBAR' '$MOUNTPOINT'}'$BASE >> ~/.conkyrc
printf '%-15s %-24s %s\n' \
   "$line" "$STRIPPED" N/A°F
echo $BASE'${goto '$INDENT'}${voffset '$TICON'}${font Poky:pixelsize='$FONTSIZE'}H${font}${voffset -'$ALEFT'}${goto '$VOFF'}'$BASE$STRIPPED' ('$line'): '$HILIGHT'${fs_free '$MOUNTPOINT'} / ${fs_size '$MOUNTPOINT'}${alignr}${fs_used_perc '$MOUNTPOINT'}% '$BAR'${fs_bar '$INDENT','$SBAR' '$MOUNTPOINT'}'$BASE >> ~/.conkyrc
#if [ `nc localhost 7634 | grep '$HDDTMP'` ]; then
#echo $BASE'${goto '$INDENT'}${voffset '$TICON'}${font Poky:pixelsize='$FONTSIZE'}H${font}${voffset -'$ALEFT'}${goto '$VOFF'}'$BASE$STRIPPED' ('$line'): '$HILIGHT'${fs_free '$MOUNTPOINT'} / ${fs_size '$MOUNTPOINT'}${alignr} | ${hddtemp '$HDDTMP'}°F | ${fs_used_perc '$MOUNTPOINT'}% '$BAR'${fs_bar '$INDENT','$SBAR' '$MOUNTPOINT'}'$BASE >> ~/.conkyrc
#echo "No temp settings for this drive"


# Step 2 Devices -reapproach this step later code above is reusable
# Write a function?

#Step 3 Burners
awk '/dev\/sr/ {print $1}' /etc/mtab | sort | while read line ; do
MOUNTPOINT=$(df $line | awk '{print $6}' | sed '1d')
STRIPPED=$(echo $MOUNTPOINT | sed 's/\/media\///g')
if [ $STRIPPED = "/" ]; then
echo "Burners: $line set as $STRIPPED."
HDDTMP=$(echo $line | sed 's/[0-9]*//g')
echo $BASE'${goto '$INDENT'}${voffset '$TICON'}${font Poky:pixelsize='$FONTSIZE'}H${font}${voffset -'$ALEFT'}${goto '$VOFF'}'$BASE$STRIPPED' ('$line'): '$HILIGHT'${fs_free '$MOUNTPOINT'} / ${fs_size '$MOUNTPOINT'}${alignr}${fs_used_perc '$MOUNTPOINT'}% '$BAR'${fs_bar '$INDENT','$SBAR' '$MOUNTPOINT'}'$BASE >> ~/.conkyrc
#Step 4 - Why stop there snatch up NAS(s) drives.
awk '/\/\// {print $2}' /etc/mtab | sort | while read line ; do
MOUNTPOINT=$(df $line | awk '{print $8}' | sed '1d')
STRIPPED=$(echo $MOUNTPOINT | sed 's/\/media\///g')
if [ $STRIPPED = "/" ]; then
printf '%-15s %-24s %s\n' \
   "$line" "$STRIPPED" N/A°F
#No temp detection via network do not populate TEMP.
echo $BASE'${goto '$INDENT'}${voffset '$TICON'}${font Poky:pixelsize='$FONTSIZE'}H${font}${voffset -'$ALEFT'}${goto '$VOFF'}'$BASE$STRIPPED' ('$line'): '$HILIGHT'${fs_free '$MOUNTPOINT'} / ${fs_size '$MOUNTPOINT'}${alignr}${fs_used_perc '$MOUNTPOINT'}% '$BAR'${fs_bar '$INDENT','$SBAR' '$MOUNTPOINT'}'$BASE >> ~/.conkyrc

#Network re-visit...
if [[ $ACTIVE != 'No Inet' ]]
echo $HILIGHT'${goto '$INDENT'}${voffset '$TICON'}${font Stylebats:pixelsize='$FONTSIZE'}5${voffset -'$ALEFT'}${goto '$VOFF'}'$HEADER'${goto '$VOFF'}ACTIVE NETWORK: '$ACTIVE'${hr 1}' >> ~/.conkyrc

#Propigate networking information based on active connection
echo '${font}${voffset 2}${font VariShapes Solid:pixelsize='$FONTSIZE'}q${goto '$VOFF'}${voffset -'$ALEFT'}${font}Up: ${upspeed '$ACTIVE'} '$BAR'${alignr}${upspeedgraph '$ACTIVE' 20,'$BARZ' ${font} '$BAR' }
${font}${voffset -24}${goto '$VOFF'}Total: ${totalup '$ACTIVE'}
${voffset -'$ALEFT'}${font VariShapes Solid:pixelsize='$FONTSIZE'}Q${goto '$VOFF'}${voffset -'$ALEFT'}${font}Down: ${downspeed '$ACTIVE'} '$BAR'${alignr}${downspeedgraph '$ACTIVE' 20,'$BARZ' ${font} '$BAR'}
${font}${voffset -24}${goto '$VOFF'}Total: ${totaldown '$ACTIVE'}' >> ~/.conkyrc

#Provide wireless info if user is using wireless actively.
if [[ $wlan == 'up' ]]; then
#Wireless header
echo '${font}Wireless: ${hr 1 }' >> ~/.conkyrc
echo '${font}${voffset 2}${font VariShapes Solid:pixelsize='$FONTSIZE'}-${goto '$VOFF'}${voffset -'$ALEFT'}${font}Wireless Access Point: '$HILIGHT'${alignr}${wireless_essid '$ACTIVE'}' >> ~/.conkyrc
#Connection strength / signal
echo '${font}${voffset 2}${font Stylebats:pixelsize='$FONTSIZE'}Z${goto '$VOFF'}${voffset -'$ALEFT'}${font}Connection strength: '$HILIGHT'${alignr}${wireless_link_qual_perc '$ACTIVE'}%' >> ~/.conkyrc
#Connection speed
echo '${font}${voffset 2}${font Stylebats:pixelsize='$FONTSIZE'}C${goto '$VOFF'}${voffset -'$ALEFT'}${font}Connection max throughput: '$HILIGHT'${alignr}${wireless_bitrate '$ACTIVE'}' >> ~/.conkyrc

echo $HEADER'${voffset -'$ALEFT'}${hr 2}' >> ~/.conkyrc

# Provide general connection info
echo '${font}${voffset -'$ALEFT'}${font Poky:pixelsize='$FONTSIZE'}w${goto '$VOFF'}${voffset -'$ALEFT'}${font}Local IP: '$HILIGHT'${alignr}${addr '$ACTIVE'}' >> ~/.conkyrc
echo '${font}${voffset 2}${font Stylebats:pixelsize='$FONTSIZE'}M${font}TCP Connections: '$HILIGHT'${tcp_portmon 1 65535 count}' >> ~/.conkyrc
#close out with a thin line at the bottom
echo $HEADER'${voffset -'$ALEFT'}${hr 2}
'$HILIGHT'${goto '$INDENT'}${voffset '$TICON'}${font Poky:pixelsize='$FONTSIZE'}d${voffset -'$ALEFT'}${goto '$VOFF'}'$HEADER'${goto '$VOFF'}${alignc}${time %H:%M}, ${time %A %d %B}' >> ~/.conkyrc
echo $HEADER'${voffset -'$ALEFT'}${hr 2}' >> ~/.conkyrc
echo $HEADER'${voffset -'$ALEFT'}${hr 2}' >> ~/.conkyrc

Damn droid:
theemahn@JackHammer:~$ ./
Ultimate Edition Conky builder version 1.17
Please report errors / issues to TheeMahn <[email protected]>
Codebase detected: precise
Release debugging info:
Ultimate Edition 3.5.1 LTS
Kubuntu base: detected - odd number release
Distro detected: Ultimate_Edition 3.5.1
Detected current resolution: 3840x1200
Dual monitors detected. Taking full advantage of extra screen resources.
Setting Font size to 16 and graph width to 640
Detected Processor: AMD FX(TheeMahn)-8150 Eight-Core Processor resonating at 4515.425 Mhz
64 Bit O/S detected.
8 Cpu core(s) Detected.
Update interval: 1
MemTotal: 16434464 kB
Network interfaces detected
Scanning for active
Interface eth0: up
Active Network: eth0
Interface lo: unknown
Active Monitoring Connection: eth0
Scanning for sensors.
CPU 120.2°F
GPU 139.1°F
/dev/sda1 UE35 86°F
/dev/sdb1 Root 86°F
/dev/sdc1 3TB_Backup 87°F
/dev/sdd1 Winderz 80°F
/dev/sdd2 Storage 80°F
/dev/sde Speed 78°F
/dev/sdf1 1TBUSB3 N/A°F
/dev/sdg1 DROID N/A°F
/dev/sdh1 Ultimate Edition N/A°F
/dev/sdi1 AE6D-56E7 N/A°F
/media/NAS NAS N/A°F
/media/NAS1 NAS1 N/A°F
Home of Ultimate Edition. Got a question? Please review the F.A.Q. Browse the How to section.

Main O/S: Builder of O/S Guess.
Mainboard: ASUS Hero VI (AM4)
CPU: AMD 1700X water cooled (Deepcool Captain Genome Cooling tower)
Ram: 16 GB GSkill Trident RGB Series Dual Channel DDR4 3200
Video: MSI RX470 8GB Gaming card.
Hard Disks: MASSIVE on the network.(10 Gigabit, 48 port, multiple servers)
Monitors: Dual 4K 43" LG, 4K Samsung 28"
750 Watt modular PSU (Rosswell)
1100 Watt Amp & 4 X 600 Watt speakers

Servers in the basement.
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Re: Conky script

Postby synrgy87 » Fri Dec 07, 2012 10:27 pm

looking good :)
Gigabyte GA-890GPA-UD3H
AMD Phenom II X6 1090T
8GB (2x4gb) Kingston HyperX DDR1600

160GB Hitachi deskstar(os and boot) 1TB deskstar(data) 1TB WD USB drive(backup+)
2x XFX ATI 5830 1024mb in crossfire
Saitek Eclipse keyboard + Saitek Cyborg V3 mouse + Thrustmaster T.Flight HotasX

Acer 23" HDTV/monitor + AOC 21"
Xigmatek Midgard Case.
multibooting all sorts + Ultimate Edition 3.5 / BlackOpal64 / windies 7 home premium 64bit
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Re: Conky script

Postby pam » Sat Dec 08, 2012 12:09 am


I feel evil :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:
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Re: Conky script

Postby illnino0007 » Tue Dec 18, 2012 4:27 pm

TheeMahn wrote:
JOHNNYG wrote:Works fine for me !! :D <BREW>

Thanks, brother... Sorry for the delay in debbing it, but I had a laptop over here this Friday & found flaws. I am a stickler and an error!!! Not on my watch ;) While most ppl do not care this is a script that fires up on bootup sure if it fails exits graciously. Let's say this script hangs as does when using an intel 1.5 ghz single core processor & firing up conky. Something as what may seem simple improperly detecting it as a dual core deter-mental & caused it to hang. My end user experience working on that laptop was nothing short of enjoyment. Resolving issues on a large scale #1 point of interest.

Brother I have missed chewing the fat with you, I believe last time I tried to call you could not get ahold of u.

Welkome to the club of the internet Gods please select a greek God no Ares and Zeus already and are you ready for the end of the world!!!
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Re: Conky script

Postby pch.shot » Tue Dec 18, 2012 8:01 pm

images.jpg (4.32 KiB) Viewed 19794 times
Systems Windows XP Pro 32 bit & various Linux in Virtual Box and VMWare Player
Intel i7 2600K cpu with built in Intel 3000 video
1 OCZ Vertex 3 120 gig ssd(System)
1 Western Digital 2 Terabyte Green internal hard drive(Storage)
Kingston ddr3 1333 ram(4 gig)
MSI Z68A-GD80(G3)mobo w/hdmi video and optical audio
Realtek HD audio
Realtek lan
1 LG sata optical drive
Antec Sonata IV case/620 watt psu
50 inch LG plasma tv/monitor
Sony surround sound amp
Axiom speakers
optical sound
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Re: Conky script

Postby pam » Tue Dec 18, 2012 11:48 pm

yeah what a bummer!
Maybe the sun will flare up and gobble us down.....maybe a cloud of "weird" particles will sterilize us...
If the earth were really going to get destroyed.......everybody gulp down as many beeers as you can........ALAS! it wont! :lol:
Download Ultimate Edition and Oz Unity 3.0 from copy:-
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Re: addition of 1280 x 800 resolution

Postby TheeMahn » Fri Mar 07, 2014 11:34 am

tanmay.01 wrote:Conky Builder v1.11

My old laptop resolution was not there in the conky script.
So i tried adding it :
Code: Select all
   echo "Setting Font size to 11 and graph width to 270" ;;

But it looks like this

And there is a bug about cdrom marked with a star.

Then i tried pasting the code of v1.14 from TheeMahn's last post about resolving ppp..
It looks like this (without adding above res code) :

Please update to 1.22 and try again, many, many fixes.
Home of Ultimate Edition. Got a question? Please review the F.A.Q. Browse the How to section.

Main O/S: Builder of O/S Guess.
Mainboard: ASUS Hero VI (AM4)
CPU: AMD 1700X water cooled (Deepcool Captain Genome Cooling tower)
Ram: 16 GB GSkill Trident RGB Series Dual Channel DDR4 3200
Video: MSI RX470 8GB Gaming card.
Hard Disks: MASSIVE on the network.(10 Gigabit, 48 port, multiple servers)
Monitors: Dual 4K 43" LG, 4K Samsung 28"
750 Watt modular PSU (Rosswell)
1100 Watt Amp & 4 X 600 Watt speakers

Servers in the basement.
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