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Themes by BBOSAK2143

Re: Themes by BBOSAK2143

Postby BBOSAK2143 » Fri Jul 19, 2013 8:45 am

I wish I was a pro! No still kind of doing the crayon thing!!! Thanks for all the compliments and is a treasure to know someone enjoys them as much as I do! In the process of making a second version of The_Red_and_The_Black! I was wishing I could come up with some way to make a guitar scroll bar but thus far no dice! I was very worried on the metacity files I have as they are a bit old and might not be worded 100% correct to today's standards. I notice for myself closing out on Office does not work and at points on Chromium. Unsure if it is just a flaw in my system as have noticed the same effect with Ambiance's metacity. I have not been able to find any metacity files dated past July 2012 for this stoplight type so I tried some adjustments, but no real effect on my system besides loading faster. Xan, love the pictures!!!! Had a chance to get a 1966 Satellite in a Florida junkyard back in 1983 for $75 but unfortunately did not have the money! A shame as would have been awesome to drive one of those! Closest I got to that was my friends 1968 Polara, which was a real dreamboat, built to the hilt! Still will work more to get Nautilus looking better as most people see that all the time. I would love to point Nautilus back to system icons instead of the generics, is one point of advancement I did not totally agree with! I understand creates a faster load time, but to see it looking so plain is hard to take! This next version of above theme will have all colors on one page! Is hard for a normal user to have to go thru every page and change colors! Is much easier if it is one page as originally designed or least I suspect was intended to be? I eventually plan to label what areas are effected in that list as to help other users make the changes they want. Eventually all this am hoping will lead to the creation of a program for users to create their own! In doing so, I hope it never takes away from those that are developing great new ideas to themes. If I did not botch the build of this OS am sure I would be enjoying a few of those now! So basically the reason I got into this was due to my mistakes. I figured if I made these mistakes others did also, so least leave a way for them to also enjoy decent looks!!!! Since I have not really found any good areas to find information on creating these themes will also greatly appreciate being let to those!!! Once again thanks everyone for the compliments and will be working away on more to understand it more!!!!!
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Re: Themes by BBOSAK2143

Postby BBOSAK2143 » Wed Jul 24, 2013 6:32 pm

Was curious if anyone has tried any of the recent killthekitty delorean themes???? I tried the one but seems to be messing with Nemo and was curious if others had that effect? He is an absolute genius with his writing and love looking at it as shows what a true genius he is! Am betting he has a number of years at it, as the themes are nice looking. Me I am still working away on some as, will be others have some issues with themes so will continue on so everyone has a choice! Every time I try a theme off of Gnome Looks, seems top and bottom taskbar will not come up if I try to boot into the theme. Is one of the many reasons I embarked on this themes journey. Currently am adding things to my themes as to make them appear a little nicer. Takes time as is a lot to learn still!
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Re: Themes by BBOSAK2143

Postby Xanayoshi » Sat Jul 27, 2013 12:57 pm

Nemo is a clown fish so that makes sense. Did you know that a clown fish will change its sex and reproduce asexually if presented the same situation as described in the movie "Finding Nemo"?

"In a group of clownfish, there is a strict dominance hierarchy. The largest and most aggressive female is found at the top. Only two clownfish, a male and a female, in a group reproduce through external fertilization. Clownfish are sequential hermaphrodites, meaning that they develop into males first, and when they mature, they become females. If the female clownfish is removed from the group, such as by death, one of the largest and most dominant males will become a female. The remaining males will move up a rank in the hierarchy."

Anywho..I don't use Nemo in any system, I thought you were using Gnome 3.8?

It would be easier to work on themes if you focused on systems that weren't constantly breaking them, like Cinnamon and Gnome 3.

Also, don't be scared to link...

I have no clue what a killthekitty delorean theme is...


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Re: Themes by BBOSAK2143

Postby BBOSAK2143 » Sat Jul 27, 2013 7:13 pm

Yes, Nemo is a clown but a pretty one at that!!! I am a sucker for looks. Love those icons on the side panel! Many of the themes in Ultimate 3.5 were written by killthekitty!!! He is on Gnome Looks and his present Delorean theme has a beautiful selector when you go down the taskbar. Of course all his themes make my bottom task bar disappear and if I try to load them on start, presto no Upper task bar!!!! Worked at first, but then some update trashed that! That is why I delved into making these themes. Gnome 3.8 is a pain! Looks great but has its quirks! Started with the Ambiance theme, but we all know what happened there! All those white empty spaces that looked terrible! Now I have found a new combination and from a theme I thoroughly enjoyed for close to a year! That theme is also another part of the reason I got involved with theme making! Now this combination, ironically involves that old theme and Ambiance. I reworked both of them and have it in one piece and only 4 sheets have to be change color wise! Now this is rare as many themes have colors on all sheets! The two Metacity's have to be changed to accomodate the new color scheme along with gtkrc and the gtk-main. So after days and weeks of work, I can now say the current theme is very sweet! Here is some pictures of Black_Beauty which I plan to put on on Gnome Looks real soon! You will see by these pictures Nautilus finally has some looks and is now geared on the stoplight motif as everything else! There is nothing like hitting buttons and goes from red to green or red, amber, then green! I have been trying to conquer all these flaws for weeks and am proud to say, I finally succeeded!!!!
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Re: Themes by BBOSAK2143

Postby BBOSAK2143 » Sun Jul 28, 2013 12:15 pm

I forgot to mention about our beloved "Ambiance" that comes stock and generally is the default desktop theme for Ubuntu. There's a few bugs in it!!!! Yes a penny annie half-wit like myself has found them! There is a tug of war going on inside that theme! Fortunately, I destroyed that tug of war! Gnome 3.8 is a awesome desktop, that requires properly written themes, from what I have gathered. You can no longer forget to put "px" or ")))" in lines and get away with it!. After so many errors "Watch Out" with results!!!! Those errors include upper taskbar totally black with no apps and lower taskbar disappearing at will! As I have went thru a few themes to check them is amazing where problems exist! You can not make 2 opposite demands on a program, does not work!!! Hence as stated above 'the tug of war!" Now I am no pro at this, but I do know the major theory of computers, the ole "On" and "Off". Simply put you can not turn something on and off at the same time and this is where conflicts reside! I now side with a firm standard for themes to be written at as to avoid these issues! Although, I have not totally devised this idea completely, my current work in this area is moving towards it! I also want to provide users with a simpler way to change these themes color wise!!!! Let's face it we all do not like the same colors or schemes!!! Take a look on Gnome-Looks and that will firmly confirm what I have just stated!!!! Currently with most themes, color definitions are all over the place!!! Originally, those colors were only to reside in gtkrc , gtk.main.css and both metacity's. Least I am 99% sure or why would these people have even bothered with stuff like bg_color or fg_color????? Now I have gathered all those colors from every last page and stuffed them back into those 4 sheets! What are the results?????? Simple a new user can go into those 4 pages, change the numbers for colors and presto, changes the entire theme! The old way, user has to go thru so many pages and lines can take a day or two!!!! My way can take as little as 15 minutes! Now I think that will be nice for everyone!!!! I also believe this adds to easier loading as the definitions are confined to only 4 areas instead of every last page!!! Also to help people understand the whole concept, I am going to include reference to the greatest forum around, Ultimate Edition Forum!!!! Still owe all here for their great patience with me as I continue down my path of learning!
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Re: Creating or Modifying Gnome themes

Postby PeteGonzalez » Fri Sep 27, 2013 2:30 pm

BBOSAK2143 wrote:Yes this has been my kick lately! Why????? Will say it started out with my favorite theme no longer working with Gnome 3.8. So I dove into this realm and very very blindly! As have said am no genius at all this and it takes quite a bit of time to learn even to make a few color changes!!! Since I am not swift enough to write every single line and file for one of these themes, I simply modify the existing ones. Now this is time consuming in itself for any new user wishing to delve into it! Others out there are quite intelligent and can create the entire theme by hand, that is not me! Still what comes from some of those themes is compatibility issues. Simply put, will work fine on a "Gnome Only" desktop but when other additions are added the themes do not work. Recent "How To" post I did comes from these issues. I fell for Linux hard due to the fact of these themes! I was not about to loose those beautiful looks that I enjoy because of an upgrade, so I found myself having to modify the Ambiance theme to create the look I enjoy. Of course the greatest part of Linux is the fact of "Open Source". Now if I were to do this somewhere else, I might just be looking at stiff fines or possible imprisonment?? On Linux I get the chance to learn how these fascinating pieces of software work! Now some people take these themes for granted! I may not like the way all of them look, but I admire all the work put into them! The people that create these themes are quite brilliant and it takes quite a bit of time to get the screen we see in front of faces looking as we want it to!!!! A recent theme modification I made actually made Nautilus easier to look at! Am sorry, Nautilus has turned ugly in the last few years and just needs a little sprucing up! Fortunately, a little two tone color change did make it look a bit better! Of course with these themes I did add some of my own ideas to work towards a look that might be acceptable users. I like the user to know where their location is when exploring the file system. This is an aspect I picked up from using Ultimate! Themes generally pointed right to the area you are in! Next an idea to move towards the stoplight motif. What I mean here is we are all dominated by traffic lights in our personal life, so on the computer if is in the same area might just help users? After modifying these themes I joined gnome-look and put them all on there. I was hoping for comments of either mention good or bad! All I ever had at present is spam???? Yes, even on there those snakes reside and am quite shocked and appalled! Since I am not a technical orientated person and enjoy using all the lingo, I simply put all info in easy terms for everyone to understand. I also asked for any response as to help me become more proficient and understanding in this new endeavor! Oh well! So anyway wondering if I could get some ideas and comments from people on here. I figure this is the best level for me to begin at, since I am no programming genius! So all advice, recommendations and comments are welcome!

Hello friend were you able to modify these themes? I seems very exciting programming so can you share some details? Waiting for reply thanks in advance:)
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Re: Themes by BBOSAK2143

Postby BBOSAK2143 » Sat Sep 28, 2013 4:13 pm

Probably best to get a drink, lunch, whatever! You hit on a subject I love! First started with this OS I assembled is very finicky as far as themes are concerned. 3 errors and forget it will not load! I am talking about small errors even such as border dimensions. Normally, px is the associated description of measurement. With many lines of programming it is very simple to miss putting it in with the corresponding number. So therefore a line of code could look as such: 1 0 1 1px . Without those px's after the 1 it is an actual error! Previous OS's I have had ran past those errors with no problem! This one does not!

Now presently, the very best I can do for a theme which is my personal favorite and use everyday is called Black Beauty II. As stated is up on Gnome Looks for everyone to download under same username I use here. I will also use some examples from it to show you what I did to make it happen. First though I need to give more background on this whole creation. Am doing this for the benefit of those that want to travel down this same path because for some of us is very enjoyable!

At first I did something I was not proud of. I simply took someone else's theme and changed the coloring scheme. Of course this helped me get used to the way of using colors and the lines of code. Next I took the best running theme called "Ambiance" which is Ubuntu's default theme on Gnome. Once again, I just changed the coloring scheme. What came out of it was some ugly looks! Coloring was nice, but things that should not show such as unwanted borders were there. I knew I had to come up with something better. I also did not want to be known as a mere "Copy Cat". So I then went into a bit of a lull for awhile going through many lines from several themes.

What came out of it was a parts of Ambiance, Nissl-Adwaita Dark 4 and added lines of code, to produce better effects. At that point I could not write a theme entirely myself, so I needed a foundation to start with. I knew that widget.borders.css was a file I could toss! Made things look terrible! Gtk in Ambiance needed more time than I was willing to give it, so yes dumped it and used the gtk from Nissl. At this point my themes no longer contained any white or black text except for icons on desktop. For those that start with colors, it takes time to get the right ones. Very very time consuming. Now most themes also have several areas where colors are listed. I found out is not the best idea. I do not have absolute proof, so do not quote me. I felt the numbers/color descriptions needed to be contained between gtkrc, gtk.main.css and index file. All other sheets were to follow those 3 sheets, including the metacity xml files.

Lines I added were for changes on the scrollbar. Originally, Ambiance made no allowance for hover and active. So what this allowed the theme to do was start out with the scrollbar being red, on hover would become amber and when clicking would become green. Hence part of the stoplight effect that I also have for the metacity I use. Metacity is based on OSX, Mac, but made for Linux. Pictures below will depict this. Next I added these lines to create what I call a "Flourescent Light Effect" also depicted below. Here are the lines that make that change:

GtkWindow {
color: @fg_color;
background-image: linear-gradient(to bottom,
shade(@selected_fg_color, 0.80) 1px,
shade(@selected_fg_color, 0.70) 8px,
shade(@bg_color, 4.0));
GtkAboutDialog {
background-image: none;
box-shadow: none;
This effect also carries to Chrome, Brasero, Synaptic, updates to add the extra looks. I have a firm belief a theme should be pleasing to the eyes. This is the first theme I have ever made that I feel so strongly about and actually pleases the most finicky part of myself! Pictured below you will see the effect on Gnome Tweak and Nautilus. Nautilus was a bit ugly before it, but has now picked up deceent looks!

Then there were other problems that were corrected. Programming is very difficult and I am on the low end still, definitely no where near pro! Still, through hours of reading what was there in the theme, I found some things that did not work properly. Also had great help from terminal. Best way there is to check a theme at present is to open up a terminal under sudo and open up themes and gnome tweak. Then you switch to the suspected theme. If there are problems, you will see the long list in your terminal! Been there, but also some problems escape that! Ones I found did! Lines were written 100% correct, unfortunately was 2 different ways in two separate places!

One of the problems that was caused is if Gnome tweak and Nautilus were open at the same time whichever window would be in backdrop the selection bar was no longer visible! Simple, was written 2 places 2 different ways. I simply deleted one entry saved the other and is good to go! Same held true for settings in Chrome browser as other places. Generally, since a theme that is default as such is written not just by one person but a few. Sometimes one does not know what the other has written. I have no proof but can only theorize as to why those problems were present.

Next, present in gtk3.0 was a file called gnome-applications.css. Now if it was applicable and in use reference to it would be in gtk.main.css. That did not hold true! Me, of curious nature activated it! You should have seen the list of errors in it! Was absolutely mind-boggling! Not all of it was not usable. I took what I was able to use, incorporated it into the theme and then deleted the rest. To fix the entire file would have been too much work, plus the added effect of having to correct other lines in the theme to coincide was not worth the effort! All I can figure is since Ambiance is not a brand new theme, some of those lines held a great presence shortly into the appearance of Gnome 3.0, but with progression some of those fell to the wayside! Was simpler to just leave commented out as had been done. Leave it for the pieces that were good and be done with it! I was very happy to have those pieces as they added a bit more support to Nautilus which is very important!

As have said, am no pro at programming just have 2 semesters of java. Still this does help me understand lines not written correctly, so is a plus. I am not so great at creating all of my own, so I do look up tons of information to do so! I found on my current OS the amount of work I had done had brought load time from boot up to about 10 seconds vs 30 seconds, so I do feel I did something right! Now this timing is against the Original Ambiance theme, which loads fairly easy. So I was happy to see I had actually beaten the load time. I sincerely believe it is due to the fact of everything simplified, defined correctly and organized. That was the reasoning behind all numbers restricted to only 3 files!

After the first correction I did with 1st version of Black Beauty, I felt bad again! I had used Ambiance for a great deal of the theme, so I felt I should also revamp the original theme. I did hit some negativity for this! Of course, I was to blame as I called it "Ambiance-Reborn". I guess it was pride, since I had felt so good about correcting some aspects and adding some touches to it! In reality, now if I ever have to reload, I will make that my default desktop! Not going to put pics up of it, but is nice. See the original author/authors made a little text error for the bottom taskbar. I simply corrected that aspect, then with the added scrollbar and other colors, it wound up like going from black and white to color! It looks sharp and to be honest I do not see too many people futzing with changes for Ambiance so much anymore! The original, I can't even tolerate for 5 minutes, this one I can handle it all day long! I also did the same for Nissl-Adwaita-Dark4. Using the gtkrc had saved me an hour's time, plus I always loved that theme! So I simply made a few adjustments, used 90% of the coloring scheme and put it up also. Only thing I ever disliked about Nissl was the text coloring!

Have been on computers since 2002 and I just had my fill of black and white text! I even stated that fact on a shell theme I did I put "White and black text (R.I.P). I feel text is another aspect of a theme! What is the challenge if it goes from semi-white to bright white? Many times, mine will go along the same coloring changes of green, amber and red. Other times different colors. My firm belief once again, a separate color should be used to notify a user of a different action! Why not? Since computers these days are immersed immensely in larger processors and chips for graphics, we can do this without a problem! So why would we want to stick with something that requires not even 1/20th of what our graphics can do??? Seems like a waste to me! Course not anymore and as I say everyday I enjoy every aspect of this theme. Am also so happy to see it has been downloaded quite a few times now! Love to make things nice for others!

See I also had wanted to create a way for users to create their own themes. Of course am just not good enough yet to do that! My solution was to restrict the coloring to those 3 files, so then the user can just change the colors needed to be changed and presto, they have their own! I also created a theme trainer, but was in hopes the more experienced would follow and add some to it. Course nothing close has happened on Gnome Looks, but least we have TheeMahn here that is working on the Ultimate solution and that would be to repair the theme! This is the hottest aspect can think of at present!!! I am looking forward to that big time! This will help us all learn and from someone who is a real programmer. Not only that he is the Picasso/Rembrandt of it!!!

Hope this all helps and if not, just let me know and will do my best always to help!
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Re: Themes by BBOSAK2143

Postby BBOSAK2143 » Sat Sep 28, 2013 4:25 pm

I must have made a mistake as one of the pics showed up twice while the other did not. Here is the pic that belongs with the above. Also still working on the transparency aspect, but have not solved yet. Is going to be some time. Also have some other things pressing to attend to! Always work with themes and colors is my favorite part with any OS is how we see it!
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